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Restyle the Room You Begin & End Every Day

Its the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see when you are ending your day. Its where you escape for privacy and is a place where only you and maybe a few others have been. Its where you are the most vulnerable in your home and is a space that provides comfort and peace from the noise of everyday life. Its the most important room of your life and affects your ability to be healthy and happy. Its your bedroom.

​​Your bedroom is where you refresh, renew, nourish your body and mind, and attend to the relationships with yourself, your Source, and your significant other. Changing your bedroom can be a start to changing your life because it provides a new start and ending to every day. Your morning mood affects your entire work day.

A study conducted by The Harvard Business Review found that 'those who started out each day happy or calm usually stayed that way throughout the day, and interacting with customers tended to further enhance their mood. By contrast, for the most part, people who started the day in a terrible mood didn’t really climb out of it, and felt even worse by the end of the day — even after interacting with positive customers.'

Noteworthy for Creating a Positive Bedroom

  1. No Clutter. Its clogs up your space & your mind. Remove anything that doesn't make you feel calm or happy.

  2. View. What do you see when you first walk into the room? What about when in bed? Both of these set the tone for how you end and begin your days.

  3. Color. Warm nude tones as well as light, soft cool tones provide a soothing atmosphere. Bright primary colors, such a red, can be 'loud' and cause too much energy. ​​

  4. Light. The presence of natural light and the lack thereof can alter your mood. Frame your room to the light because light will alter the entire setting. Focus on the largest canvas of your room--the floor. Move to wall color and furnishings to, finally, decor. How do all these items and colors interact with one another? How do they interact with the light? How do you feel?

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